When it comes to love, some people just know. For others, it’s a little more complicated and takes time to figure out their feelings. If you’re wondering whether you’re in love or not, here are 12 signs to look for:

  1. You can’t stop thinking about the person

Whether you’re daydreaming about your future together or replaying past conversations in your head, you just can’t seem to get this person out of your thoughts. If they constantly occupy your mind, it could be a sign that you’re falling in love.

  1. You want to spend all your time with them

You may have found yourself canceling plans with friends or family so you can spend more time with your new love interest. Or maybe you’ve been skipping out on work to sneak in a few extra hours together. When you’re in love, you just can’t get enough of the person and want to be around them as much as possible.

  1. You’re always making excuses for them

When you’re in love, it’s easy to see the person’s good qualities and overlook their bad ones. If you find yourself making excuses for their behavior or overlooking things that bother you, it could be a sign that you’re starting to develop strong feelings for them.

  1. You’re feeling more positive

Being in love can cause you to feel more positive and optimistic about life in general. If you’ve been extra cheerful lately and find yourself looking on the bright side more often, it could be because you’re head-over-heels for someone.

  1. You’re getting butterflies

Remember those nerves you used to get before a first date? The ones that made your stomach do flips and your heart race? Well, if you’re starting to feel them again, it could be a sign that you’re falling in love.

  1. You’re always happy when you’re around them

When you’re with the person you love, you can’t help but smile and laugh. Even if you’re having a bad day, being around them seems to make everything better. If you find that you’re always in a good mood when you’re together, it could be one of the signs that you’re falling in love.

  1. You don’t mind making sacrifices

When you love someone, you’re willing to make sacrifices for them. Whether it’s giving up your favorite TV show so you can spend more time together or skipping out on a girls’ night to comfort them after a tough day, you don’t mind making some compromises if it means making them happy.

  1. You’re more trusting

If you’ve been burned in the past, it can be hard to open up and trust someone new. But when you’re in love, you tend to let your guard down and be more trusting of your partner. If you find yourself sharing things with them that you wouldn’t normally share with anyone else, it could be a sign that you’re starting to fall in love.

  1. You miss them when they’re not around

Whether they’re out of town for a business trip or just at work for the day, you can’t help but feel a little lonely when they’re not around. If you find yourself missing them more often than not, it could be one of the signs that you’re in love.

  1. You can be yourself around them

When you’re in love, you don’t have to put on a front or pretend to be someone you’re not. You can just be yourself and know that the person will still love you for who you are. If you find that you can let your guard down and be your true self around your partner, it could be a sign that you’re falling in love.

  1. You’re always thinking about their needs

When you love someone, you start to think more about their needs and less about your own. Whether you’re picking up their favorite food on the way home from work or always making sure they have a ride to their doctor’s appointments, you’re always looking out for them.

  1. You can’t imagine your life without them

When you’re in love, it’s hard to imagine your life without the person. If you find yourself thinking about them all the time and wondering what life would be like without them, it could be a sign that you’re falling in love.

If you’re starting to experience some of these signs, it could be a sign that you’re falling in love. But even if you’re not quite there yet, don’t worry. Love takes time to develop, so just enjoy getting to know the person and let things progress naturally.